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SQL Injection and The Threats To Your Website

SQL Injection Website
SUN Microsystem was struggling to commoditize the hardware by clubbing all it’s best brains to work on a dynamic programming language that can be the next big thing and they certainly did it, Java. That took everyone by surprise, because it didn't help SUN Microsystem in any way but only to gain some fame for commoditizing the software instead, that was ironic and funny side of doing the unexpected. Java soon took the lead and became the most sought piece for it’s ‘write once and run anywhere’ nature, called as Bytecode. It not only did the good but also the bad, it’s dynamic power let hackers do the needful with few lines of code. Attack didn’t took much time to spread, and the greatness of Java was at question, For the same reason Apple didn’t entertain Java.
We can’t Blame Java for all this, so nor SQL. Be it any programming language, if it didn’t help hackers to create their stuff, note it can neither do better under normal use. What I mean is, knife can be used to any reason and it depends on the user. SQL is great, it opened doors for new level of data integration into the web, without which it would be very difficult for me and you to store data ‘properly’. Now I will talk more on the dark side of SQL, SQL Injection and the security threats related to it. 

If you have a website and have no idea what SQL is, not to worry, seen tables? Rows and Columns that make up a vector table in which you can systematically store the data of your website users. SQL helps in retrieving that specific data when required. Now I need not to struggle to make you understand SQL Injection, it is nothing but the placing of malicious code into the database, which on passing will gain illegal access to the data stored, it can be password, bank details, formats of data, Dangerous ain’t? 

Problem will have worst dimension if you are running an e-commerce and hackers play this trick on you, In any case, you will be held responsible if any of the user’s data is compromised. Forget about punishing the guilty, he will be far from the tracing. So, the only option you have now is to make sure that you are in safe zone and your business is less vulnerable to any such attacks, which if happened, will badly impact your business outlooks in the public forum, inturn you lose the trust of users. There have been increasing case of Blind SQL attacks too, in which you will never get to know if your website has been attacked or penetrated illegally, it is time-sensitive and there are many tools to help out hacker to continue the attack. 
SQL Injection Login Page
Assume If I am noob and know nothing, even if I know some measures to counterpart the attack, I will never be in position to fight back all the unpredicted attacks unless I am ninja in SQL. Few common techniques advised are to encrypt the sensitive data, and also employ parameterised queries. But how far you can keep on pressing on it if you are not a professional ? Not only SQL Injection, there are numerous ways to attack your website and you be ready to defend. 

Easier is to find a better service provider whom we can rely upon, I have done vast research on the service providers and their services, Few are not capable of detecting some serious loopholes but can solve most common threats. Defencely is an exception and the service includes technical assurance to fix every possible issue that may occur. They might have been using mathematical models to do so, hence Defencely looks more reasonable, even in terms of pricing too. I have been using their services from past few months and they have maintained better satisfaction level. 

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SQL Injection and The Threats To Your Website Reviewed by Unknown on Sunday, August 04, 2013 Rating: 5
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