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Mac OS X Lion like Application Launchpad For Windows 8 Software

Mac OS X Lion Launchpad for Windows
Searching a programs and system tools from Mac OS X default Application folder may become troublesome, specially when you have installed lot's of software's. Due to this, Mac OS X Lion introduced a alternative utility for App folder, called Launchpad, that allows users quickly find, organize and start installed software. Launchpad is a Mac OSX unique feature that makes opening a applications much easier and it looks cool. This feature also available on iOS home screens. If you are also interested in modifying your Windows OS overall look and feel and make it more likely Macish, you’re definitely gonna love this windows software.

Bring Mac OS X Lion Launchpad for Windows 8

WinLaunch is a application launcher for your Windows desktop PC. The design of this software which is nearly the same as the Launchpad app on Mac OS X Lion or the iOS. When you installed this software, it transforms your whole desktop screen perfectly into a gorgeous app launcher. WinLaunch works with Windows XP, Vista, 7 and Windows 8.

This program also supports 32 bit and 64 bit operating system. Using WinLaunch you can quickly access to your entire important softwares, files and documents from your desktop screen. This application has the user interface exactly like Mac OS X appearance. Plenty of personalization settings. Optimized adjustments controls for touchscreens tablets.

Getting Started With WinLauch Software

Download the WinLaunch software, extract the Zip file to your local drive and double click the WinLaunch Starter.exe file to open this program. You don’t need to install or setup the software. By Pressing the “F” key and after that drag-n-drop your frequently used applications, website bookmarks and also documents in the WinLaunch app. Additionally it also supports group app icons inside a folder by dragging one icon on to another.
Winlaunch Windows Software
Once you configured the WinLaunch app, you can press the shortcut “Shift + Tab” to launch the WinLaunch in full screen mode. WinLaunch will hide out when you open other apps, To exit the program use the "Escape" key. This Software uses your present desktop wallpaper as the default background however, you get an option to choose a different one.

Free Download - WinLaunch for Windows 

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Mac OS X Lion like Application Launchpad For Windows 8 Software Reviewed by Unknown on Wednesday, July 24, 2013 Rating: 5

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