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Taking the Blog to the Next Level – Operating a Full Website inside WordPress

Taking the Blog to the Next Level – Operating a Full Website inside WordPress
Many companies began their online presence as a WordPress blogging site. Typically, the site was used as a way to communicate with customers, patients, fans, volunteers, and others. It provided dynamic news, or static content, or both. It was often used as an effective tool to help attract traffic, while promoting the business. It worked as an effective online marketing tool, even with limited capabilities.

Once social media became all the rage, the blogging site most likely went to the next level. Every new post to the blog was likely instantly uploaded to the company’s social media channels including Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and others. At some point, the company probably realized that creating static pages would help to convert visitor interest into sales. Realizing that, it was time to take the blog to the next level and operate it as a full website inside the WordPress platform. The big question is, how does a company do that?

Developing Static Page Content

Developing Static Page Content
When a business is looking to develop static pages for their site, the content is a key component. It will provide relevant information to the targeted audience that will eventually convert into sales. To develop the best static content it should include:

* Detailed Information – All relevant information about the company, what it is offering, selling or providing needs to be detailed in all the provided content.

* Benefits to the Visitor – Part of the content of a static page should include the benefits every visitor could receive that makes their life better, easier, happier or more exciting. The benefit should be focused on providing answers to specific problems the online visitor is seeking.

* Support Information – Usually offered in a FAQ section, all support information should provide answers to the most common questions asked by online visitors.

* Testimonials and Examples – When customers, visitors and others can read case studies, testimonials and see examples, they are more likely to become involved, which will increase the conversion rate on the site.

* Ordering and Contact Information – All pertinent information necessary for ordering should be detailed fully on the purchase order page. A contact button or form should be provided detailing all the necessary components to have their questions answered directly.

Utilizing CMS Technology

Utilizing CMS Technology
As one of the most highly rated content management service (CMS) providers, WordPress provides everything the company will need to build their website. No additional help will be required from website designers or developers. Part of the CMS technology in WordPress will categorize “pages” as the area that will contain static content (information that rarely changes), and “posts” that contain changing information, especially blog entries. Many pages will have sub pages that will develop a hierarchy of pertinent content. Visitors on the site are typically taken to a higher category page when searching for a specific item in a sub page. The platform allows for easy jumping between the relevant pages using tags and categories.

Many third-party WordPress templates incorporate a hierarchy plan that is very intuitive when setting up a website. Once completed, the site is often ready to be published allowing the website to be open for business.

Allowing Easy Navigation

Allowing Easy Navigation
The platform is known for being highly intuitive. It offers an easy navigation tool that is critical for moving around the site. The WordPress direction-finding features include:

* Easy Navigation – The WordPress platform’s great navigation tools intuitively lets the visitor recognize exactly where they are and what they can expect to find on each page. The navigation tools, typically found on the top tabs in each main section, will likely have a drop-down menu or menus that allow quick access to every subsection. Easy navigation provides the ability to see the large picture and understand exactly where the visitor is at all times.

* Intuitive Page Layouts – With the decades of history of web page design, visitors are learning where specific components should be located on every page. WordPress themes place intuitive buttons and menus in specific locations, so that every online visitor feels right at home. Drop-down menus will be located across the top tab, and a checkout button is usually located in the upper right-hand corner or next to the product description.

SEO Friendliness

SEO Friendliness
Since the beginning, WordPress has understood how to optimize search engine results. WordPress offers the best SEO features, plug-ins and add-ons, so every online business can increase their web presence almost instantly, improving their ranking in the results of every search engine query.

WordPress is extremely powerful. It has the ability to be built as simple or complex as the company desires. It can be designed to be fully utilized as a dynamic website or a blogging site, or incorporated as both. With full integration features, a huge assortment of third-party WordPress themes, and the best SEO tools available, WordPress can provide everything a business needs to take their site to the next level.

About The Author
Anny Solway is a dedicated writer at ThemeFuse – a web studio that creates original WordPress themes, that can be used out of the box.

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Taking the Blog to the Next Level – Operating a Full Website inside WordPress Reviewed by Softechnogeek on Thursday, April 18, 2013 Rating: 5
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