2 Free Ways to Convert a PDF File To Kindle Viewing Ebook Format
Many ebook readers like Amazon Kindle, Nooks and other popular readers support native PDF documents but, not every PDF files are really easy to read on a small ebook reader screen. The main problem with the native PDF rendering is that a lot of PDF documents are formatted to read easily on large screen, printed hard copy. Large margins, multiple table columns, and also other format options which is an big issue, if the document is printed on 8.5×11 paper or shown on a 20 inch monitor. The PDF file definitely unreadable when you view it in a e-reader with a 6” screen. Here are two simple and quick ways you can easily re-format a PDF file for pleasant reading on your favourite e-book reader.
1. Converting PDF Online Using Kindle Email Address
For those who depend on a amazon Kindle book or a Kindle app for reading, which is available for Android and Apple users, probably you are aware that this works with not only e-books, but also PDFs. If you sign up in amazon you will have an unique email address provided by kindle, which means you can able to send any PDF files directly to your device simply by attaching it to the email. You can find the kindle email address on the settings page. It looks something like "You@kindle.com".
The fact is, the majority of PDF documents delivered exactly, if the PDF file contains images which generally aren't optimized or enhanced for Kindle viewing, thus it requires plenty of zooming in & out and scrolling. Amazon will transform your PDF format file to raw text once you type the word "convert" in the email subject line. But the conversion process will take lot's of time and this method doesn't work on all PDF files.
2. To Convert a PDF File To Kindle Viewing Format Using Software
For hard to format a PDF doc to Kindle viewing format you must definitely try this Calibre software which is open source so it's available for Windows, Mac, Linux and also portable using this program most likely you are better off with a better quality conversion choices. You have lot's of customizations and options with calibre. Using this application you can manage your ebook library on your desktop and convert that ebook to any other device format.
Free Download & Install - Calibre ebook Management
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2 Free Ways to Convert a PDF File To Kindle Viewing Ebook Format
Reviewed by Unknown
Thursday, August 01, 2013