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Android App To Stop The Alarm Clock Using Speech Recognition

WakeVoice alarm clock
Getting out of bed on correct time daily on each morning is kind of a big deal and probably the most hard things to do. You may tried several alarm clocks but still no use, many times you can't easily wake up early because of tired and laziness. You just keep on hitting the snooze button some times you may stop the alarm. By the time you wake up, you know that you ruined your whole day by getting to work lately. By the way you should try this free android app that Force Walk Some Step to Stop the Alarm Clock.

Alarm Clock with Speech Synthesis and Voice Recognition

WakeVoice Alarm Clock is not a free android app but your can get a free version which is limited you can set upto 10 alarms after that you have to purchase Wake Voice Vocal Alarm Clock paid app from Google Play Store for US$ 2.99. WaveVoice is a simple handy android app which is more than a basic alarm clock. Additionally setting up a alarm time, you can make the app to speak and personalized the messages for you. This app also enables users to use their own voice to snooze or quit the alarm clock. You can also download some extras speech voices. By just using your vocal speech you can stop the alarm. 

How To Stop The Alarm Clock Using Voice Recognition

WakeVoice Alarm Clock
  1. Download and install the WakeVoice Alarm Clock from Play Store.
  2. Click on the "+" icon and set the time for the alarm.
  3. In the same screen, you can able to choose the default alarm ringtone, and you can also enable voice recognition and speech synthesis.
  4. By enabling the speech synthesis you can make the app to speak the customized message and some other information like weather, news, horoscopes etc.
  5. It will start talking as soon as you stop the alarm.
Free Download & Install - WakeVoice Alarm Clock Apk

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Android App To Stop The Alarm Clock Using Speech Recognition Reviewed by Unknown on Wednesday, July 03, 2013 Rating: 5

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